This module contains utilities to control execution flow.
## Contexts
Contexts are very similar to Python's
[`with` statement](https://docs.python.org/3/reference/compound_stmts.html#with)
and can be seen as a more generic version of Java's
[try with resource](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/tryResourceClose.html)
A *context* is any object exposing two special methods.
The first one, `__$$_enter`, is a parameterless method that must be called when entering the context.
The second one, `__$$_exit`, is a method that must be called when exiting the context.
A context can be created using the provided [`Context`](#Context) structure, a `DynamicObject`, or by augmenting existing
Java objects (e.g. [`CloseableContext`](#CloseableContext))
A context is meant to be used with the [`within`](#within_1v) macro, that wraps the execution of its block with these
*enter* and *exit* methods. This allows to abstract `try...catch...finally` patterns.
Indeed, the given block is wrapped inside a `try...catch...finally` to ensure that the `__$$_exit` method of the context is called.
The result of the `__$$_enter` method of the context can be bound to the given name to be used inside the block.
For instance, given:
&within(name = expression) {
1. The `expression` is evaluated. It is expected to return a context.
2. The context `__$$_enter` method is invoked without arguments.
Its result (the target) is bound to `name` if present, and is ignored otherwise.
5. The `block` is executed (in a `try` clause).
6. Depending on the exception thrown by `block`:
- If `block` raised an exception, the `__$$_exit` method is called with the target and this exception.
If the method *returns* an exception, it is thrown.
Must the exception raised by the `block` be rethrown, the `__$$_exit` must *return* it.
If the `__$$_exit` returns `null`, no exception will be raised.
Any exception raised by the `__$$_exit` method is
- If the `block` does not raise an exception, the `__$$_exit` method is called with the target and `null` and its returned value is ignored.
Any exception raised by the `__$$_exit` method is rethrown.
Since the result of the `__$$_enter` method is given to the `__$$_exit` method, the context is not required to keep it as an attribute, should `__$$_exit` act on it.
The context can therefore be stateless. It may however keep the target as an internal attribute, or a closed variable when using [`Context`](#Context) for instance.
Since the `__$$_exit` method is given the exception raised by the block and can prevent its rethrow, the exception can be dealt with directly inside this method.
Moreover, since the exception *returned* by `__$$_exit` is raised, the exception can be wrapped in a higher level exception.
For instance, one can create a transactional context as:
function transaction = |params...| -> context(
-> createConnection(params),
|connection, err| {
case {
when err is null {
connection: commit()
when err oftype MyException.class {
connection: rollback()
otherwise {
connection: rollback()
return WrapperException("Transaction failed", err)
&within(connection = transaction(connectionParams)) {
More than one context can be used, which is the same as nesting contexts, as:
&within(x = context, generateContext()) {
is expanded into
&within(x = context) {
&within(generateContext()) {
module gololang.Control
import gololang.ir
import gololang.ir.DSL
import gololang.macros.Utils
#== Contexts ========================================================
This structure encapsulate two functions that will be used as context and enter and exit functions.
See also the applied [augmentation](#augment.gololang.Control.types.Context) to provide the corresponding context
This structure must not be instanciated directly, use [`context`](#context_2) instead.
struct Context = {
A closure executed when entering the context.
This closure takes no argument and return the value that will be bound to the context variable.
Can also be a value (e.g. `null` if no action is to be executed on entry).
A closure executed when exiting the context.
This closure has two parameters: the target (as returned by `enter`) and the exception raised by the wrapped block.
Can also be a value.
local function Context = -> null
local function Context = |e, i| -> null
local function ImmutableContext = |e, i| -> null
function context = |enter, exit| -> gololang.Control.types.Context.$_immutable(enter, exit)
Makes the [`Context`](#Context) structure a context by providing `__$$_enter` and `__$$_exit` methods that delegate on
the corresponding closures.
In both cases, if the field value is not a closure, it is used as the method's return value.
augment Context {
Delegates on the `enter` field.
function __$$_enter = |this| -> match {
when isClosure(enter) then enter()
otherwise enter
} with { enter = this: enter() }
Delegates on the `exit` field.
function __$$_exit = |this, target, error| -> match {
when isClosure(exit) then exit(target, error)
otherwise exit
} with { exit = this: exit() }
Execute a block within a context.
This macro must be called with at least a context and a block to execute.
The contexts may be given a name that will be bound to the result of `__$$_enter`.
Several context may be given, which is equivalent to nested contexts.
For instance:
&within(x = context1, generateContext(), y = otheContext()) {
work(x, y)
is expanded into
&within(x = context) {
&within(generateContext()) {
&within(y = otherContext()) {
work(x, y)
The `__$$_exit` method of each context will be called accordingly, even if the block fails with an exception.
macro within = |args...| {
var exprs, suite = extractLastArgument(args)
for (var i = exprs: size() - 1, i >= 0, i = i - 1) {
suite = wrapInContext(suite, match {
when expr oftype NamedArgument.class then expr
otherwise [null, expr]
} with { expr = exprs: get(i) })
return suite
Generates the corresponding IR.
local function wrapInContext = |suite, expr| {
let targetName, context = expr
if context oftype ConstantStatement.class and context: value() is null {
return suite
let _context = gensym("context")
let target = targetName orIfNull gensym("target")
let catched = gensym("catched")
let innerCatched = gensym("innerCatched")
let exception = gensym("exception")
let rethrow = gensym("rethrow")
return block(
`let(_context, context),
`var(exception, constant(null)),
`let(target, invoke("__$$_enter"): nullSafe(): on(refLookup(_context))),
assign(exception, refLookup(catched))
): `finally(
`if(`and(`isnt(refLookup(_context), constant(null)), `is(refLookup(exception), constant(null)))): `then(
: withArgs(refLookup(target), constant(null))
: on(refLookup(_context))
): `else(
`var(rethrow, refLookup(exception)),
`if(`isnt(refLookup(_context), constant(null))): `then(
: withArgs(refLookup(target), refLookup(exception))
: on(refLookup(_context))))
): `catch(innerCatched,
: withArgs(refLookup(innerCatched))
: on(refLookup(rethrow))
`if(`isnt(refLookup(rethrow), constant(null)))
: `then(`throw(refLookup(rethrow)))
Creates a context for resources that must be closed.
For instance:
&within(resource=closing(createCloseable())) {
- *param* `resource`: the resource to close on exit. The only constraints is that the resource must have a `close()` method.
- *returns* a context whose enter value is the resource itself and the exit function closes the resource and returns the
exception unchanged
See also [`CloseableContext`](#CloseableContext) to augment existing classes instead.
function closing = |resource| -> context(resource, ^_closeTarget)
local function _closeTarget = |target, error| {
target: close()
return error
Augmentation to create a context from objects with a `close` method.
Classes with a `close()` method can be augmented with this augmentation to behave as a context.
The enter value is the object itself, and the exit method call its `close` method and returns the exception unchanged.
This allows a behavior similar to the Java *try with resource*.
See also [`closing`](#closing_1) to use a wrapping function instead.
`AutoCloseable` are [augmented](augment.java.io.AutoCloseable) using this augmentation.
augmentation CloseableContext = {
function __$$_enter = |this| -> this
function __$$_exit = |this, target, error| -> _closeTarget(target, error)
Java `AutoCloseable` objects are augmented to be a closing context.
For instance, to read the lines of a file, one can use:
&within(f=openFile("somefile.txt")) {
foreach line in f {
See also [`closing`](#closing_1).
augment java.lang.AutoCloseable with CloseableContext
Creates a context for locking objects.
For instance:
&within(locking(createLock()) {
- *param* `lock`: any object with `lock()` and `unlock()` methods.
- *return* a context whose enter method locks the object using its `lock()` method (and returns it) and the exit method
unlocks it using its `unlock()` method and returns the exception unchanged.
See also [`LockContext`](#LockContext) to augment existing classes instead.
function locking = |lock| -> context(-> _lockTarget(lock), ^_unlockTarget)
Convenient function to create a [`locking`](#locking_1) context from a `java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock`.
function locking = -> locking(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock())
local function _lockTarget = |l| {
l: lock()
return l
local function _unlockTarget = |t, e| {
t: unlock()
return e
Augmentation to create a context from objects with `lock()` and `unlock()` methods.
Classes with `lock()` and `unlock()` methods can be augmented with this augmentation to behave as a context.
The enter value is the object itself, after it was locked, and the exit method unlocks it and returns the exception
See also [`locking`](#locking_1)
augmentation LockContext = {
function __$$_enter = |this| -> _lockTarget(this)
function __$$_exit = |this, target, error| -> _unlockTarget(target, error)
Java `Locks` objects are augmented to be a locking context.
For instance:
let lock = ReentrantLock()
&within(lock) {
See also [`locking`](#locking_1)
augment java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock with LockContext
Creates a context for unlocking objects.
This context can be used to temporally release a previously acquired lock.
For instance:
let l = createLock()
&within(l) {
&within(unlocking(l)) {
- *param* `lock`: an object with `lock()` and `unlock()` methods.
- *return* a context whose enter method unlocks the object using its `unlock()` method (and returns it) and the exit method
locks it again using its `lock()` method and returns the exception unchanged.
function unlocking = |lock| -> context(
lock: unlock()
return lock
|t, e| {
t: lock()
return e
Creates a null context.
This null context does nothing on exit, and return the given value on entry.
It can be used as a fallback value when the context to use is changed dynamically.
It's a [Null Object Pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_object_pattern) instance.
This function should be banged.
- *param* `val`: the value to assign on entry.
function nullContext = |val| -> Context(val, |_, e| -> e)
Creates a null context returning `null`.
This is a singleton.
See also [`nullContext`](#nullContext_1)
function nullContext = -> nullContext!(null)
Creates a context redirecting standard output.
- *param* `out`: a `java.io.PrintStream` that will be used as standard output.
function stdout = |out| -> context(
{ System.setOut(out) },
|_, e| {
return e
) with { old = System.out() }
Creates a context redirecting standard error.
- *param* `err`: a `java.io.PrintStream` that will be used as standard error.
function stderr = |err| -> context(
{ System.setErr(err) },
|_, e| {
return e
) with { old = System.err() }
Generic context to deal with exceptions.
The created context returns `null` on entry. The exit function ignores the target, and apply the given `mapper` function
to the exception.
For instance, to just log a message and ignore the exception, one can use:
let errorLog = exceptionFilter(|e| { Messages.error(e: localizedMessage()) })
&within(errorLog) {
- *param* `mapper`: an unary function whose parameter is an exception (may be `null`) and returns an exception to raise
or `null` if no exception must be raised.
function exceptionFilter = |mapper| -> context(
|_, e| -> mapper(e)
Creates a context that wraps exceptions
If an exception is raised inside the context, it will be wrapped in the given exception (as its cause).
For instance, given:
&within(wrapped(MyException.class)) {
If `doSomething` throws an exception `e`, a `MyException` instance will be raised instead, whose cause will be set to
function wrapped = |cls| -> exceptionFilter(|e| {
if e oftype cls {
return e
let w = cls: newInstance()
w: initCause(e)
return w
Creates a context that ignores exceptions.
- *param* `exceptions` : the exceptions to ignore
function suppress = |exceptions...| -> exceptionFilter(|e| -> match {
when e: isOneOf(exceptions) then null
otherwise e