Documentation for gololang.Decorators

This module defines the set of standard decorators and utilites.



Void checker: does nothing. Useful when one argument should not be checked.

asChecker(f, m)

Factory function to create a generic checker from a boolean function. Takes a boolean function and an error message.


Checks arguments of the decorated function. Any checker can be used


Checks result of the decorated function. Any checker can be used


Returns a void context to be used with the withContext decorator after redefinition of some methods.

A context is an object with 4 defined methods:

In this default version, entry and exit return their parameters unchanged, catcher rethrow the exception and finallizer does nothing.


Factory function to create value checker. Takes a threshold and returns a checker verifying that the given value is greater than the threshold

let isPositive = greaterThan(0)


Value checker function


Value checker function


Type checker function


Factory function to create type checker. Takes a type to compare to and returns a checker function.

let isInteger = isOfType(Integer.class)


Value checker function


Type checker function


Factory function to create a checker asserting that the length of its argument is exactly a value

function foo |a| -> [a, a]


Factory function to create value checker. Takes a threshold and returns a checker verifying that the given value is less than the threshold

let isNegative = lessThan(0)


Factory function returning a decorator that log messages on entry and exit of the function. The factory take the logging function (e.g. println). The returned decorator takes two strings: the message to log before the call, and the message to log after the call. If one of these message is null or empty string, nothing is logged.

let myLogger = loggerDecorator(|msg| {println("# " + msg)})

@myLogger("entering foo", "exiting foo")
function foo = { println("doing foo") }


Factory function for memoization decorator Returns a new memoization decorator. The cache key is the decorated function and its call arguments, thus the decorator can be used for every module functions. It must however be put in a module-level state, since in the current implementation, the decoration is invoked at each call.

let memo = memoizer()

function foo = |n| -> ...

function bar = |a,b| -> ...

printLoggerDecorator(prefix, suffix)

A convenient factory to create a loggerDecorator that println with a prefix and a suffix.

@printLoggerDecorator("# ", " #")("in", "out")
function bar = { println("bar") }


withContext decorator:

function foo = |a| -> 2*a

This decorator is a very generic one, all the customization occurs in the context object.